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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
1.5-2.5 Years Old PlaySchool Class


The Caterpillar Clubhouse helps the tiny tots to play with age-specific toys, inspires them to learn  through art, music, logic games and hands-on investigations. 

​2.5-3.5 Years Old Nursery Class

It’s well known that children learn best when they are having fun and are confident in their environment and with their peers. This is a time of rapid growth and development. Our Nursery programme continues to reinforce the development of expressive language, communication and vocabulary skills. Gross and fine motor skills development are more actively promoted alongside personal, emotional and social development.

3.5-4.5 Years Old Junior K.G Class

At this age we foster growth in the areas of "capacity for independent activity, enthusiasm for school, acceptance of responsibility for our own behaviour and personal care, response to direction and enjoyment of new experience"


4.5-5.5 Years Old Senior K.G Class

By now, The little caterpillars are preparing to fly to the Big World and enjoy life. Here, we provide
 high quality curriculum that addresses the student's individual levels of emotional, physical and intellectual development.  At this age we emphasise on language development, mathematical expression, knowledge on environmental sciences. We also prepare them for the Conventional school system as they are now ready to fly as colourful butterflies.

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